Dog Treadmills: A Professional's Perspective on Canine Behaviour

As a professional dedicated to educating people about the impact of lifestyle on mental health and behaviour in dogs, I often get asked about doggy treadmills. Are these pet fitness gadgets genuinely beneficial, or are they merely a waste of time and money?

Many advertise dog treadmills as fitness tools that can physically tire out your dog and keep them fit. However, it's essential to consider if that's what you truly want for your pet. Increased physical exercise, for humans and dogs  alike, leads to better fitness levels. In dogs, this often translates into a need for more exercise as they essentially turn into canine athletes.

It’s a common issue I see is with dog owners who frequently play fetch. They wonder, "why is my dog not sleeping?" The answer lies in the fact that their dogs have become athletes, always highly aroused due to constant chasing.

If you're considering a dog treadmill because of your pet's behavioural issues or their seemingly insatiable energy, I recommend first looking at other potential reasons for this behaviour. Are there underlying issues contributing to your dog's constant wakefulness?

Doggy treadmills can indeed be useful and fun, serving as a tool to occasionally physically tire out your dog. Just pleeeeeease don’t overlook the pitfalls. Regular use can turn your pet into an athlete and make them harder to tire out

Moreover, we don’t want to over look and potential underlying causes of your dog's behaviour.  you should avoid the mistake of presuming to know what's wrong and acting upon it without proper knowledge. It could lead to wasted time and resources.

Worried about your dogs behaviour and mental state? At and through our app, we aim to help dog owners comprehend their pets' behaviour better and provide support not just for the behavioural issues but the overall wellbeing of their dogs.


  1. I had a golden that had 3 operations on her acl . Yet again on the third time they told me to walk her, short walks and walk in the ocean I said, no way. I put her on my treadmill a few minutes a day and built up. Nice straight walking, no twists or turns, and it worked. They are great for rehab.


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